Updated: August 27th, 2007
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© 2013, E. Vincent Young.
All rights reserved.
So there.


Archives: 2004

2004 was when the wheels finally came off. I started out by converting my Complete MOD Compo into the Monthly Invitational Compo, and I continued my work with the Static Line newsletter and the Scene Rep website. But my personal dramas within the tracking scene continued to grow. My essays continued to reflect my increasingly bitter attitude, and by the end of the year, and I had ended all of my involvement with the tracking scene.

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2007 -- 2006 -- 2005 -- 2004 -- Jul-Dec 2003 -- Jan-Jun 2003

Monthly Invitational Compo closes down. - June 6th, 2004

(This was the final update to my Monthly Invitational Compo.)

May's round of MIC was the final round ever. I'm about to get a big promotion at my hotel job, which means more time at work and more stress to deal with, especially in the beginning. Theoretically, I could try to keep MIC going, but it would be quite a headache. And then there are fuckheads like Vizion and Sergeeo, among others, who have robbed the tracking scene of much of the fun it once held for me.

This just ain't fun for me anymore, kiddies. And since I see no reason to (literally!) lose sleep over something that's entirely voluntary and no longer fun to do, the logical thing is to stop doing it. So, MIC is done.

To everyone out there who's stuck with CMC and MIC since nearly the beginning and has voted consistently and ceaselessly, and even to anyone who only voted once or even just downloaded a song or two, thank you, thank you, and thank you. You made this little compo o' mine actually mean something, and together we accomplished a lot. We shone a big, bright spotlight on some kick-ass tunes and yelled to the world, "Come and get it!" And come they did.

And to all of the musicians who've allowed their songs to run in CMC and MIC over time, massive kudos to you all. Some of my favorite all-time tracks in my collection have come from this compo. Without artists like Vibe, Butch, Pro-Xex, Dr. Emok, Iwellius, Sphenx, Argh, Samplemaster, Saboteur, SmarTech, Cdnalsi, FleshDance, Gopher, Nightbeat, Andreas Viklund, LauriT, Prophecy, Gargoyle, HomesickAlien, Dan Nyman, Benefit of the Boomerang, and countless more, this thing simply wouldn't have been possible. No matter what genres or programs you move on to, I wish you all gallons of success, big-money music contracts, platinum album sales and millions of screaming groupies. And if you don't get all that, then I'll leave you with the fact that in some small way, each of you changed my life, and for the better.

Big congrats to Butch for capping one hell of a CMC/MIC career with a huge win in May's compo. Download his song, check out May's results, and have a nice life. As radio DJs used to say, see ya on the flip-side.

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2007 -- 2006 -- 2005 -- 2004 -- Jul-Dec 2003 -- Jan-Jun 2003